Ultimate WALL-E has 10 motors to provide a high level of movement and a touch programming system to make it easy for kids (and geeks) to program movements. The robot also has a voice activation mode and a follow-me mode as well. Like the Pleo, Ultimate WALL-E has numerous sensors including infrared sensors to help avoid objects in the room, touch sensors and sonic ears that allow him to detect sound. Ultimate WALL-E even includes built-in speakers and is MP3 compatible. Schedule release in Sept/Oct 2009 for USD$190.00 (SGD$259)
For SG now, (before the movie fever starts in Aug) you can get the other versions of wall-e from thinkway toys at Toysrus and others toys dept store. Have you got your Wall-E yet?
not to mention wall-e in the movie was designed to pickup trash (this 1 can't), am stilling waiting for the day when toys can are designed in a way better than just remote moving sound and lights. i want the ultimate wall-e that can be programmed to clear my room. hahahaha
The demo video looks like a failure. But will be fun to see how my cats will react.
not to mention wall-e in the movie was designed to pickup trash (this 1 can't), am stilling waiting for the day when toys can are designed in a way better than just remote moving sound and lights. i want the ultimate wall-e that can be programmed to clear my room. hahahaha
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