12inch Figure News: ENTERBAY's Jackie Chan

(source: toy-world)
Original Jackie Chan Hair Growth TV commercial

For those who knows the above product that JC recently is endorsing, you should be able to relate to the Enterbay's JC SPOOF script below:

(translated with my humble English :P)

呀……當我第一次知道 Enterbay 要出這個成龍 figure 的時候,其實我是拒絕的!
Err...when i know Enterbay is going to produce this Jackie Chan figure, I initially refused

因為我覺得……呀……你不能叫我買,就馬上買,第一,我要看一下,我又不想說……你影了一個 figure 以後加了很多特效,那頭髮動啊……很黑!很亮!很柔!
That's because i feels that...err...you can't ask me to buy and i will buy it immediately, Firstly, I have to see it first, i don't like the idea...when you photoshop the figure and later adds a lots of effects and the hair move here and there ...wow! very dark! very shining! very soft!

結果玩具法官們出來一定罵我,根本沒有這種 figure!這證明上面那個是假的……我說先要給我玩一下。後來我玩過也知道它是真的,而且沒有 sad 貨成份的。
Later the toys critics will come out and scold me, there's no such figure! The endorsement on the box is fake...I told Enterbay to let me play first. Later after playing, i know it's real and it doesn't have any defects. 

So...after playing it for a month... a month and so...at least i feel comfortable with it. Now...i play it everyday! yes...everyday...I even let the toys critic play with it! Come! Come! Come! Let's all play and see!

那我跟法官講︰「出的時候就買!玩完之後,這個 figure 就是我的 figure,就不要改,再加上去,加到不是這樣子!我要給玩家們看到,我玩之後是這樣子,你們玩完之後,也是這樣子
Eventually, i told the toy critics: when it's released please BUY! After playing, this figure is my figure, so don't make any changes , any further changes, it won't be the same!  I would like to let the toy collectors see, after I've played it, you guys played it, it will still also look like this!

wahahaha..hilarious :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro, I hope Enterbay will release Donnie Yen from IP MAN movie..I like that :)