bonus pack comes with a set of additional decal stickers and parts for your customizing pleasure to make you bike as per this illustrated box.

the bike is darn heavy than expected...lotsa die-cast especially the skeleton body... definitely a plus

Being a fan of AKIRA in my era...i am abit biased on this collectibles, it's a 5/5~!! :P
And now, we will have to wait for bike's owner, Kaneda.
now I really really really really can't wait for mine to arive! wow! wow! wow! wow! So demn beautiful and detail... and a die-cast! wow!
Very expensive collectible :)
yes it's expensive but worth the wait and value cos it's heavy die-cast. Been expecting it patiently for more than 12-15 years? I assume they can't produce this back then.
Brutal, absolutely brutal!
I'm drooling...
so coooooooooool haul !!!
Hey moo, I see you can hook the bike up to external speakers? Does the revving sound last if u press the pedal longer?
@ woodhead, Yes, you can hook it up to external speakers or headset to amplify the sound. Basically there's only 2 sounds for the bike. The sound won't play or repeat itself if you hold the pedal, you've got to press it again when it ends.
Is this still available for sale? If so, which website is reliable? Thanks!
not really sure if any website or retailers still have stock, you can check ebay though
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