Woohoo~~Thanks a lot!! Even the box is written to my alias. So personal and touching, now i don't even got the heart to sell it right? :P
The provided head sculpt is absolutely gorgeous and nicely painted, extremely detail till to the freckles.
The X'mas cards has 2 different design, namely Joker and Ironman, my guess is these 2 series is the best selling line for HT in 2009. They can be folded to 1/6 shoppers paper bag and the toy box.

Drool at the more pix in my FLICKR or slideshow below:

Drool at the more pix in my FLICKR or slideshow below:
Bro, I guess this is the most wonderful x'mas gift you have this year. So envy man! If I got this, I won't sell it and will keep it that way as everything looks damn nice storing in a box. Really exclusive man!!
I am envious too. Why didn't I get free toys when I am giving away free toys for Christmas? >_<
You lucky man!
wow cool blog bro,
was wondering if you could post pics or scans of the Hot Toys christmas cards as a lot of us will never see the real thing but I'd love to have a go at making my own for my figs,
hope this is ok
Tys from the UK
hi you may now download the HT 1/6 x'mas card here http://www.hottoys.com.hk/blog/?p=514
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