Found this article about Tokyo Toy Show 2008 (19-22 June 2008)
Below are some toys i am eyeing on.
Hot Toys Showcase - Batman Begins Batmobile
Not too sure about the proportion though, but everything seems good

batman begins-i preordered liao :P

Should be the dark knight movie version...not very clear photo, so will wait for the official pix from HT


HT 12inch Iron Man~~!!! not too sure of the proportion as well, the lower body (chest down) seems a bit off...hopefully the actual product will be improved.

Soul of Chogokin
Tetsujin 28~!!! adult version, this pcs I've been waiting for the reissue for 10 years :P

Daimos~~preorder liao tooo...hehehe

Jeeg ~ potential for my SOC collection

more toyshow pix available below in otasuke website:-