Kudos to JUN for the update, here's the advertisement of HT Two Face articles in East Touch Magazine this morning. HT is definitely "snatching money" from Medicom release next year (aug'09) HT version will be released in late Dec or early Jan'09

The heat is on for TDK Two Face/Harvey Dent figure in 2009...My safe bet will be HT cos' i prefer the movie version and not anime-style from Medicom :P
Which do you prefer?
Medicom- mailaway exclusive (Aug 2009) YEN17,640 (approx. SGD$260)
Hot Toys would be the pretty obvious choice considering the headsculpt and all. With the all new translucent skin technology they applying on it or something...
yea, my sentiments exactly, the translucent skin should be similar to enterbay jay chow figure, more realistic skin texture i think.
Naturally its Hot Toys! The teaser images itself is enough to convince anyone to buy. But I thought Medicom did a decent job on the head sculpt too, as compared to their more recent offerings like Indiana Jones.
Im getting both versions though....already ordered Medicom's TDK suit bats & Joker, no reason to not get Two-Face.
IMHO, if the Medicom figure (series) does not have to compete with Hottoys, theirs will still be a good choice. But for TDK, the choice is obvious. I am very sure Medicom's masked riders and anime figures will not have much competitors.(not to forget their SW series is quite good too) As for realistic human form, HT will be a better choice for me.
Clear Images of the Hot Toys Two-Face are up on toy-world & Mediworld. Overall fantastic likenss of Aaron Eckhard but the two-face sculpt is a little too black for me. Still Awesome though.
yes i agree, maybe the paint job can still be on time for JC Hong QC after our comments in the forum :P HT usually makes 2nd revision after forum feedbacks. I am eating into HT version thou, for movie accurate sake :P
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