Yes, it's finally official, Hot Toys is definitely making 12inch Edward and it's a international collaboration (US/Japan/HK/Korean)...My oh my, such a big operation for this figure.
Anyway, it still looks 200% better than my mint-in-box Medicom version!!! :P hahaha
I can hear the cashier ringing!!
This figure will be released in the 1st quarter (Jan-March) of 2009 at HKD$1080
(images courtesy of medi world forum)

Robin,"Holy Cow Batman~!!!" is what i screamed when i saw this news in the forums (yet to be confirmed) This is 101% good news for fans like myself!!! Damnit, my old medicom Ed and upcoming Sweeney Todd have to move aside dudes~!! Seems like Hot Toys is going all the way to "wipe out" Medicom next year...hohoho...rubbing my wallet and hopefully the money inside will grow else must make more money next year...hehehe
Watch out for this space once i received more infos.

My heart jumps for joy but my head says $$$$$...:P
It looks great, but its a pity that Hot Toys didnt get the license to do a full johnny depp likeness.
I also see $$$$ flying away
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